Play the Game: Hannaford Prep Year Three Page 29
Then he hands it off to the second guy and we’re in business.
Harley and Blaise go first, unflinching and completely at ease as the needle drags through their cheeks. The jaw bones and sharp teeth only make them look hotter, the assholes, and the giggling girls in the corner refuse to leave after their belly button piercings are finished. Finally, after one of them tries to talk to Harley, the receptionist kicks them out. The blonde gets snooty and tries to play the rich daddy card but Avery only laughs at her, the cruel edge cutting.
“These are gang tattoos, you dense bitch. Do you want to risk a bullet by fucking the boss’s boy?”
They scurry out quickly after that. I glare at Avery and she shrugs, smug as always.
It takes an hour and Ash smirks at Harley when he gets taped up, puffy and grumpy at the inconvenience. Avery cringes the second the gel hits her skin to transfer her little wolf onto her wrist but she doesn’t flinch at the needle piercing her skin. Hers only takes ten minutes, being so small, and I make my decision to cement myself in the family with them.
I catch the tattoo guy’s eye and ask him to tattoo me as well. He blanches for a second and them recovers nicely, nodding and clearing his throat.
When I point out Harley’s tattoo he agrees quickly but when I move to take my pants off all hell breaks loose.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Harley hisses, and Avery giggles at him.
I glare back at him, and then over his shoulder at Blaise. “I’m getting a tattoo as well. Go wait with Avery, it’ll only take a few minutes.”
Harley plants his ass in the seat next to the tattooing table and refuses to move like the stubborn asshole he is and Blaise takes up watch by the door. I roll my eyes and try to ignore them as best I can. By chance I’m wearing my most modest panties but, given that Ash picks them out for me, they’re still fairly sheer. Harley glares at the tattoo artist like it’s his damn fault.
“I want it on my panty line, where my hip meets my thigh, because it’s fucking personal and the only people I want seeing it are you three dickheads so lay off.” I snap, and he calms down a little.
Then I zone the fuck out while the family creed is inked into my skin, a permanent reminder that I belong to them just as much as they belong to me.
I couldn’t be fucking happier with it.
We take the next week off while the tattoos heal and spend it in the boy’s room watching trashy thriller movies Blaise loves and drinking too much whiskey. Avery continues to go to classes and tells the teachers we’ve caught mono, something they all accept without question because who in their right mind argues with a Beaumont?
Blaise and I practice our song together, him playing the guitar and me sweating without my earplugs in but fuck, we sound perfect together. Ash bans us from singing it around Avery because the second we start he ends up hard as stone and drooling for me. It’s a nice fucking compliment, better than any stupid roses he could ever give me.
Harley cooks me French toast and insists I eat it in bed, sulking when I refuse to do it naked. I’m positive it would quickly turn into an orgy if I did and I’m not quite sure I’m ready for that. There’s an unspoken agreement amongst the boys not to talk about my new non-virginal status, thank fuck.
On the Sunday before classes go back I step into the shower, getting ready for bed and pouting that my week off has come to an end, when Harley ducks in behind me. I give him stern look that quickly melts away because sweet lord fuck, he is glorious to look at.
His personality ain’t bad either.
“You’re going to flit back to your room tomorrow and I’ll have to make do with the smell of you on my sheets. You’ve turned me into some pathetic sap, it’s fucking sad.”
I snort at him, blushing wildly, and then I grab the soap to wash him, any excuse to run my hands over the solid plains of muscle on his chest.
“You’ll just come sleep in my bed anyways. I’ll try to sleep here a bit more. We can work something out. What are we going to do after summer break when we’re all used to being in the same bed all of the time?”
Harley groans and rubs his dick against my belly. “You’re going to move in here next year. Fuck it, Avery can get the room next door and we can live together. We all know she could make it happen.”
My teasing dries up in my throat because, fuck, that sounds perfect.
Chapter Thirty-Four
The school staff decide that the students need motivation going into the last few weeks of classes before exams so the class rankings are posted on every door. Our first class for the day is History, and I do a double take when I see that the second spot, under me, is Ash. Not Harley.
Oh fuck.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Harley snarls, and the look Ash gives him is total arrogant asshole.
Do I stand between them or just let them fight it out? Stupid question, I get the fuck out of there and zone them the fuck out. When Harley finally takes his seat, I smile at him only to have him glare back at me.
“Maybe if you hadn’t spent half the year with the cougar and a little more time studying with the Mounty you’d be getting those marks too.” Ash says from his seat in front of us, and the smug tone only makes Harley’s rage spread.
I decide to walk away and let them battle it out amongst themselves.
Harley spends the rest of the day furiously writing notes and snarling questions at our teacher like that alone with raise his mark the fraction it needs to reclaim the second spot. We make it through history in one piece only to find that Ash has beaten Harley by the tiniest of margins in every. Damn. Class.
Harley wouldn’t take the news well at the best of times but Ash makes it his personal mission to mock his cousin mercilessly until I’m sure I’m going to be helping Avery clean intestines off of the walls by dinnertime.
Blaise enjoys the show just a little too much. He’s practically bouncing with glee when we get back to our room and when I drop onto the couch next to him he pulls me into his lap.
“Wanna fuck on the couch and see if that distracts them?” He murmurs, but it’s loud enough that Avery hears him and throws a dirty look at him.
“No fucking on the furniture, Morrison, or I’ll burn all of your guitars.”
He pouts at her and she snarls at him as she shoves Harley towards the bathroom to cool off. I abandon Blaise and his wandering fingers, too much of a temptation, and I convince Ash to walk me through my share portfolio. I hope it’ll distract him enough to leave Harley alone.
He relents, but only if I’ll sit in his lap. Avery side-eyes the fuck out of him but I don’t care. It’s easy enough to learn and seeing my profits makes me wriggle in his lap with excitement.
“Now, now, Mounty. Avery’s already on the warpath. I don’t need to die just because you got over excited over your money and want to fuck me at the table.” He says and I blush furiously.
“Who said I want to fuck you?” I whisper, eyeing Avery’s back as she stirs the curry she’s cooking. Her new obsession is cooking her way through cookbooks and I for one am not complaining.
“Other than your hard nipples, and your thighs? If I touched you right now I think I’d find you dripping.”
Oh, Lord have mercy on my poor soul.
Yes, yes he would find me dripping. Even more so now he’s whispering dirty things to me again. I try to move away from his lap but he slaps my thigh and tells me to focus on the laptop screen or he’ll have to spank me, loud enough that the entire damn room hears him.
Avery’s death glare at him only makes my blush worse.
I would have never thought I’d be up for being spanked but holy god damn. I think I could be convinced.
We’re all seated in chemistry together when there’s a bang outside and the building rumbles.
A few girls squeal and drive under their desks, but the teacher stands and locks the classroom door, calling for us all to stay calm.
My phone buzzes in my pocket at the s
ame time Harley’s does. He gives me a look and Avery turns in her chair with an eyebrow raised. Great. Another mass text, what the fuck now?
Every damn student forgets about the lockdown and checks their phones to see what the hell has just been sent out.
It’s a video from Joey.
My heart stutters in my chest for a second when I see the entrance of Hannaford on Harley’s phone screen but then it video pans down to the staff parking lot and the cars there.
Harley’s Mustang and Blaise’s Maserati.
I start to pray he trashes the fucking Maserati and leaves the ‘stang the fuck alone. Blaise could not give less of a fuck about his car but I can’t bear for Harley seeing another version of his dad’s car destroyed.
Joey doesn’t just trash the ‘stang.
He fucking blows it up.
I should’ve known by all the noise but I’m still shocked to see the video. Ash groans and Blaise starts cursing Joey out in new and thought-provoking ways. Harley doesn’t say a word, he just stops the video and slides his phone back into his pocket, before getting back to his chemistry notes. I chew my lip for a second and then grab his hand under the desk, rubbing his knuckles with my thumb like he does for me when my world starts to fucking break. He nods at me without looking up and something in me breaks a little.
I meet Ash’s eyes over his shoulder and nod. Joey is escalating and I vote we kill the psycho fucker now too.
When the school admin finally let us out and cancels classes for the rest of the day while the police and fire department clean up the mess, we all go back to our room so Avery can rage clean and drown herself in coffee.
I keep a hold of Harley’s hand the whole way up there, trying to ignore the fearful stares from the other students. Everyone knows who’s car just got bombed.
“He’s fucking pathetic. He knows he can’t take any of us in a fair fight so he’s going after shit he thinks will hurt. Well, fuck him. The car is important to me, but it’s just a fucking car. Ash and Avery mean more to me. He’s just proving how fucking weak he is.” he murmurs, and I wonder if he’s explaining it to me or trying to convince himself.
I squeeze his hand and smile up at him, trying to lighten the mood. “Remember you’re fucking loaded now and you can get it fixed. Or buy a new one.”
He scoffs at me. “I don’t want a new one. Morrison bought me this one, and it doesn’t matter that I’ve paid him back; he did it because he’s family and we do that shit for each other. Fuck Joey and his pissy attitude.”
Be still my fucking heart.
Blaise turns and bats his eyelashes at us both to be a dick and Harley snarks back at him. I can take a deep breath again but my chest still fucking hurts.
Joey knows that the only way to truly hurt his siblings is to hurt our family and that makes him a fucking danger.
When he gets back into our room my phone buzzes again and I find a text from Diarmuid.
I can hunt the Beaumont down for you. Will that prove my loyalty? He’ll be dead by sunrise.
I show Avery and she stares at me for a second, running the risk analysis in her head for the hundredth time. Finally, she sighs and shakes her head.
Joey’s lives to die by my hand another day.
Chapter Thirty-Five
Much like last year, I feel fucking sick to my stomach the morning of our choir performance.
Harley wakes me with kisses and soft touches, stroking my face and neck possessively, and I enjoy it for about three seconds before I remember what I have to do in a few hours and then I’m shaking again.
Avery cooks me French toast and I choke down a single piece, my stomach revolting the entire time.
She hides the coffee from me.
I’ve never been so fucking angry at her, not even when she was trying to destroy me in freshman year. When I snap that at her she just nods and smiles in this infuriatingly kind way that sets my teeth on edge.
When I snarl at Harley to piss off and let me shower by myself she laughs at his kicked puppy expression. “She’s not going to be our Lips today until she gets this over with, Arbour. Just leave her to wallow Morrison style.”
When I get out of the shower, stomping and throwing myself around, I find the whole family out in our room waiting for me, staring with various levels of sympathy and glee.
Ash can’t contain his fucking glee.
“I’ve been waiting all year to hear this, Mounty, Morrison’s being fucking shifty about it. He never records songs without letting me listen to them, I’ve been feeling put out.” He says as he tucks me under his arm. I can’t do much more than nod and grimace.
We walk down to the Chapel and I sulk the whole way. They all ignore me, which is usually what I want but just this once I’d like Avery to save me from this fucking assignment. I don’t feel ready to sing yet. I don’t feel ready to listen to myself do it but I’ve promised Blaise and… fuck. I love him.
I fucking love that asshole.
I sigh and pull myself together. We leave the others on their claimed bench in the front row. Avery squeezes my hand as we walk past and I attempt some sort of smile at her. I can’t look at the other two, afraid they’ll try to kiss me and I’ll puke on them.
Blaise sweet talks Miss Umber and gets us the first slot so I only have to wait five minutes while they set the piano up. Then we’re being introduced and the squealing of the freshman girls at the front has a little of my usual fire returning.
Blaise roars with laughter.
“There you are, Star. I was afraid I’d lost you.” He teases and laces his fingers through mine.
“I fucking hate this, you’re lucky I love you.” I mumble and his hand jerks in mine. I frown and glance up at his shocked face. He swallows roughly but I’m too busy freaking out to realize it’s the first time I’ve told the idiot I love him.
We walk out on the stage and Blaise grins easily, waving and bowing like the natural performer he is. I stomp out like I want to commit mass murder on every fucker in the damn room. Well, everyone but my family.
I sit on the piano bench, away from the crowd so I can hide behind Blaise’s broad form. He smiles and bumps my shoulder as he rolls his own back, loosening up before his fingers rest on the keys.
“Ready.” He murmurs and I give him the slightest nod. I swear I’m going to puke.
His fingers start to dance over the keys in a somber, lilting dance and my heart finally slows down until it’s following the beats of the song.
My mind turns off, my eyes drifting closed, and I let myself fall into the song.
I hit every note and my voice doesn’t falter.
I’m so glad Blaise’s chest is shielding my face from the audience because the second his voice joins mine in the first chorus tears prick at the back of my eyes. We sound fucking perfect together.
I sneak a peek at him and find him staring down at me, ignoring his music sheets and playing the song by heart. He’s practiced for this moment for hundreds of hours all year.
We’ve fucking smashed it.
I feel more powerful than I’ve ever felt before. Better than standing across from the Jackal drawing lines in the sand.
I’ve reclaimed my voice for myself and I’ll never let anyone take it again.
We’re going to war and for the first time, I feel confident that we’re going to fucking win.
As Blaise finishes the notes there’s a stunned silence like the whole room is holding it’s breath and then the applause is deafening. I can hear Avery screaming again, exactly like she did last year, but I can’t look over. I’m still trying to pull myself together.
Blaise grins out at the Chapel and gives a little wave, before turning back to me and wiping my cheeks with one of his big, colorful hands even though they’re dry.
The microphone is still on so he can’t speak without the whole room hearing, so he quirks his eyebrows at me until I nod, I’m okay. I’m not broken. I’m just so fucking relieved to be healing finally.
p; He stands, making sure he’s still blocking me from the crowd, and then tucks me into his side to walk us both off of the stage. Miss Umber catches his arm at the bottom of the stairs to gush but I don’t want to look at her while I’m still so raw.
Ash pries me out of Blaise’s arms and wedges me between him and Avery. I take a shuddering breath and Avery slips her hand into mine.
“That was fucking incredible, Mounty. I have goosebumps.” She whispers, and I nod. I swallow and smile at her, my eyes still a little watery.
I hear snickering behind us and the look Harley serves the freshmen there would shrivel the balls of any gangster in the Bay.
I try to find my voice so they don’t think I’m going fucking crazy. “I’m fine. It’s just-”
“I know.” Avery cuts me off, running a soothing hand down my arm. “You’re slowly being out back together.”
This girl. Where the fuck would I be now without her?
Blaise takes his seat next to Ash and we sit through the rest of the performances, none as breathtaking as ours had been. My hands stop shaking, and by the last song, I can hum along under my breath.
The grin Ash gives me when he hears me is worth all the fucking tears I’ve ever spilled.
The chapel empties out and we wait until the crowd disperses. I look like I’ve spent a week in bed moping like some pathetic heartbroken teen and I don’t want photos of that shit on the gossip site for the Jackal to see.
He’d probably enjoy them too much.
“Right. Dinner? I think we should order in, I feel like sushi.” Avery says, and everyone agrees though I just want coffee and ice cream after my stressful day.
We stand and start towards the door only to be stopped by an unfamiliar voice.
“Blaise.” A woman’s voice calls out and I frown when he freezes, then jerks his head around to follow the sound.
It’s his mother.
Harley curses viciously under his breath and moves in front of me while Avery and Ash both stare over at her like they’re hoping she’ll drop dead.