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Play the Game: Hannaford Prep Year Three Page 25


  Every phone in the classroom buzzes. “Too fucking late.”

  Ms. Vivienne’s eyes narrow at him but she keeps her head held high which is stupid. She’s lost what little credibility she had in the classroom and now every student is sitting there whispering and giggling at her. Ash leans back in his chair, arms crossed and I know he’s got his signature smug smirk across his mouth. Avery glances back at me and smiles, winking.

  “Mr Beaumont, that is a gross invasion-”

  “So is looking up Lips’ medical history and telling the whole class. So is stealing the recordings of two of your students going for a midnight swim. Fuck, I’d say nothing is as invasive as showing up to your study sessions with no panties and cum leaking down your legs but you didn’t mind then.”

  My eyes flick back to Harley and he’s watching Ms. Vivienne with that satisfaction that can only come from being pushed too fucking far. No panties. I could rip her fucking face off.

  She dares to call my breeding poor?!

  Her life is saved by a knock at the door and a red-faced Mr. Trevelen escorting a substitute teacher for the class.

  My in-school suspension is lifted and we don’t see Ms. Vivienne in our history class again.

  After family dinner that Friday, I sit with Blaise while he strums our song out on his guitar. I hum softly under my breath, just enough that he can hear to tune and the smile on his face is only a little sad. I hate the miserable cloud that’s hanging over him again but no playlist, make out session, or gallons of ice cream have managed to fix it yet.

  “Ash told me my agent said something to you.” He mumbles, and I shrug. I’ve been waiting for this conversation. I knew it would happen at some point.

  “He’s a pervert. I can’t promise you I won’t skin him if I see him again.”

  Blaise just nods and finishes off the song with a little flourish. “I’m going solo. It’s just me and Finn who do everything anyway, and he’s sick of Fyre trying to clean up our songs.”

  Finn Benson, the drummer. I try to keep my face blank like I haven’t stalked the utter crap out of Blaise’s career and know everything about the only other person in Blaise’s life he trusts, but he smirks at me and it’s clear I fail.

  “You’re not going to fangirl all over Finn, are you? I’ll be hurt you’ve replaced me.”

  Avery scoffs at him. “No, you’ll be jealous as hell because you enjoy being her idol. Besides, you can’t go solo. Do you have any idea how much it would cost you to break your contract? Without your inheritance, you’ll be bankrupt and begging on the streets. I think you’re forgetting that you’re a millionaire now, not a billionaire.”

  “I’ll be fine.” He says, nonchalantly shrugging and Avery’s eyes narrow as she looks at her over her phone. She’s been texting Atticus at all hours of the day and night, and I’m waiting for the engagement announcement. I’m sure it’ll come any day and Ash will start flipping tables and stabbing people. I make a mental note to hide his weapons.

  “You can’t even wash dishes without guidance, Morrison, how the hell are you going to survive poverty?”

  The bathroom door swings open and Ash strolls out, tucked neatly into his pajamas and I look the fuck away before I get caught drooling over him. I try to fix my eyes on my literature assignment, still spread out in front of me from where I was studying before Blaise distracted me, but Catcher in the Rye just can’t compete with Ash Beaumont’s nipples.

  Blaise smirks at Avery and calls out to her twin, “I’m breaking my record contract and paying the company out. I’ll be destitute.”

  Ash doesn’t break his stride as he walks over to his drinks tray and pours himself a bourbon. “I’ll sort out an allowance for you until you’re back on your feet. It’s for the Mounty, right? Harley will match it, for sure. What do your monthly expenses look like these days?”

  Harley is down at the pool, putting in extra training sessions for his upcoming competition. Without Ms. Vivienne’s bullshit study group he’s thrown himself back into a rigorous training schedule, but he’s so much fucking happier now.

  Avery’s scowl darkens, and when I open my mouth she shoots me a look. “You bled for your money, Lips, let the fucker starve. And, for that fact, Harley isn’t paying shit after everything the Mounty did to get it back for him.”

  I join her on the couch and tuck my arm into hers. “His agent told me he’d enjoy his turn with me on tour. He was only disappointed it wasn’t you getting passed around.”

  Blaise stiffens and looks up. Apparently knowing it happened and hearing the specifics are two very different things.

  Avery gags dramatically. “Fine. Ash and I will pay an allowance but you better make your solo record the best damn thing anyone has ever heard.”

  Blaise is still looking pissed, and he only looks away from me when Ash hands him a beer. “It is. Star is going to sing on it too.”

  Ash sits next to me and slips a hand onto my thigh to trace little patterns while he drinks his bourbon. “And when do we get to hear this song?”

  I clear my throat. “When I can sing it without puking.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  We fall into a new routine now that Harley’s days aren’t full of cougar flirting and bullshit study groups. Sunday’s become my favorite day of the week, waking up tangled up in boys and nothing on my schedule now that I’ve finished all of my assignments.

  Now that we know Mr. Ember is on the Jackal payroll and Ash quit the track team, he’s joined Harley and Blaise for their boxing sessions. He still runs but he does it in his own time.

  When I try to apologize for my baggage ruining the sport for him he gives me a shitty look and snaps, “I don’t give a fuck about team sports, Mounty. I was just doing it for the gym credit.”

  After a late breakfast, I walk Avery to her dance class and then head to the gym to meet the guys. I thank god, the universe, fate, and a million other things I don’t believe in when I arrive to find all three of them stripped down to work out. Hoo boy, I have to talk my vagina down because I might just pass the fuck out at the sight of them.

  They all snigger at me like smug fucking dicks, and I huff at them, stomping over to set up camp on the mats in front of the ring. I should have brought a coffee and ice cream because this is better than any TV show ever.

  Harley swoops down to kiss me, dirty and raw like the urge to fight is thumping in his chest alongside his heart already, and I bite his lip in protest because I don’t know what I want more; to watch him fight or to wrestle with him myself.

  Oh, god.

  Yes, please.

  Ash smirks at my stupefied look and kisses me too, then joins Harley in the ring. He’s wearing the tiny shorts again because apparently, he wants my brains to melt and leak out of my ears. They don’t wait for a bell or one of us to call out or anything, they just throw themselves at each other, fists flying and grunting when they hit their mark. Watching them spar and grapple is just… porn. It’s porn.

  Blaise sprawls out next to me and roars with laughter when I get my phone out to record them. I ignore him because, well, a girl’s gotta do.

  The second Ash gets Harley on the mat I’m sweating and panting harder than they are. Harley rolls him off easily but his size isn’t as much of an advantage as you’d think. Ash is fucking quick and brutal, completely unconcerned with the getting hurt. I guess that’s the real lessons Joey and Senior taught him. I shiver and try not to follow that thought. It’ll just ruin the high of watching them.

  Blaise grabs me around the waist and pulls me into his lap, one hand creeping under my oversized tee and grunting when he finds my hard nipples pushing against the thin lace of my bras.

  “Are they turning you on, Star? We could fuck on the mats right here if you want to. I could eat that sweet pussy right here while you watch them.” He whispers, then bites down on my shoulder as I groan.

  “I’ve just had my suspension lifted, I can’t get caught doing shit
again,” I mumble, and he hums against my skin as he marks me up until I squirm in his arms.

  “Get off of her, dickhead. There are cameras in here.” Harley calls out and Blaise curses, pulling away and glaring viciously at him. I slide out of his lap and away from his temptation. Harley shoves Ash out of the ring and glares at Blaise until he sighs, kissing me again before taking his turn.

  Ash slumps down next to me; sweaty, bleeding a little, and looking fucking delicious. I hand him a bottle of water.

  “We need to talk about Atticus.” He says, and I groan at him.

  “Why? His background check came back clean so he’s Avery’s business, not ours. Why are you so fucking against him? I know he’s hurt Avery before but… I understand the why of it. He’s clearly not a creepy pervert trying to touch fourteen year old girls. That’s a mark in his favor and you know it.”

  Ash’s jaw clenches. “His father buys girls like Senior does. They have similar tastes but Crawford doesn’t murder his girls. Just breaks them and put them back in the auctions. I don’t want someone like that around Avery.”

  I nod and watch Blaise and Harley jab at each other for a second. Sweet lord, it’s a fucking sight to see.

  I clear my throat. “I think we both know that having a piece of shit for a father doesn’t automatically make you the same.”

  Ash shakes his head. “I don’t like him. I don’t trust him. You can decide for yourself at the Gala next week.”

  Fuck. I groan. “I forgot about that. For fuck’s sake, what the hell do you think Avery is going to make me wear to a Gala?”

  A slow smirk spreads across his face. “Oh, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it.”

  The Gala is the same night as Harley’s swimming competition and he’s pissed he won’t be coming back to the Bay with us. When he tries to convince Avery not to go she threatens him with her knife. I go take a shower to get the hell away from their spat.

  I’d put money on Avery in that fight.

  Once I’m dressed again, I lean on the I text Illi for back up because the thought of leaving Harley without someone to watch his back gives me hives. I might not throw a tantrum like Harley is but I’m just as pissed off.

  I’ll watch the little mobster. Have fun in your pouffy dresses and flower crowns. You know that’s what they wear to those fancy parties, right?

  I stare down at my phone in horror. Now, he could be fucking with me, but he’s also lived in the Bay his whole life and there’s every chance he’s been to a Gala before. He’d have been there to kill someone but he could’ve seen the dress code.

  I feel sick.

  I must look fucking bad when I step out of the bathroom because Avery stops mid-rant and says, “What’s happened?”

  I look up at her and croak, “What’s the fucking dress code tomorrow night? I refuse to wear anything flowery or that a wouldn’t look out of place on a Disney princess. Avery, I have a reputation to uphold.”

  She blinks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “I would never make you wear a flowery dress. I’ll have to tell Morrison to stop planning your wedding though. I’m sure he’s planning to get you into a full skirt.”

  She cackles like an evil witch at the face I pull but I let out the breath I was holding and send Illi a savage text back.

  What a dick.

  The next day, Harley kisses me at the Maserati, pressing me against the closed door like he wants to imprint himself on my skin and keep my safe.

  “Promise me you won’t go anywhere without Ash or Blaise. Promise me, babe.” He murmurs against my lips, ignoring Avery cussing him out from the front seat.

  “I will. I promise. You need to be careful as well, Annabelle has signed up to help with the time trails so she’ll be stalking your ass the entire time you’re away.”

  He smirks and sucks on my bottom lip, rolling it with his teeth gently like he’s trying to stop himself from eating me. “You own my ass, babe, she can’t have it. Send me photos of the dress and tell Morrison if he tries to fuck you at the buffet to outdo me, I’ll skin him.”

  I blush and nudge him away, glaring at him while he opens the car door and tucks me in like he’s a chivalrous gentleman. Dread pools in my gut but I don’t know what it is that’s freaking me out so much, we’ve been separated before and there haven’t been any new threats.

  I wave at him as we take off, Blaise blasting some techno crap just to get a rise out of Avery, but I can’t look away from Harley’s slowly shrinking form.

  “What’s wrong?” Ash whispers, but I shake my head.

  I’m being stupid. But I also trust my gut.

  I flick a text to Illi to tell him we’ve left and then I try to focus on the conversation happening around me.

  I hope I’m wrong, but that feeling tells me something fucking bad is going to happen.

  That feeling says I won’t see Harley again.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The dress Avery puts me in is fucking ridiculous.

  There’s so much delicate lace covering my arms and my shoulders that I feel like a fraud. I’m not a lace person, I wear booty shorts and band tees for fuck’s sake! Avery clucks at me like I’m an unruly child and I sulk a little because why the fuck not. The slit up the skirt is a plus though, all the way up one thigh, making it impossible to wear underwear without revealing it. I quirk an eyebrow at Avery and she shrugs, smug as fuck.

  One look at Ash’s eyes when I walk out and I remember why Avery is the evil dictator in power.

  Blaise smirks at him, muttering about drooling, before kissing my cheek sweetly and holding an arm out for Avery to take. He looks sharp in the suit, the new ink on his hands and neck a statement to the crowd of higher society we’re about the walk into.

  I’m so fucking proud of him.

  Ash waits until Blaise and Avery move to the door before stalking over to me, his icy blue eyes stripping me, layer by layer, until I feel like he’s exposed my soul.

  “Fuck the Gala. We’re staying here.” He snaps, and Avery snarls from the door at him.

  “Keep it in your fucking pants! I’m here for Atticus and you promised me you’d be on your best behavior.”

  His eyes squeeze shut like Avery is sucking the life out of him and I scoff at him. “We can go down for an hour and then come back up. Blaise will probably drink like a fish and watch out for her.”

  He glares at me for taking Avery’s side but tucks me under his arm anyway. Blaise shoots me these lusty looks over his shoulder and I know he’s doing it to piss Ash off, the little fucker. When we get to the elevator and step in he says, “I’m not drinking tonight, Star. Atticus is a dickhead but he’s also a fucking pussy for Avery so we can leave her with him. I’m pulling that dress off of you.”

  I glare at him but Avery takes his comments a little harder than I do and stops on his foot with her stiletto heel. He grunts and cuts her a look that has me cringing. She’s going to stab him. Or choke him out now I’ve taught her the best ways to do it.

  “I’m taking you down, I’m bringing you back, you’re sleeping in my bed,” Ash says, breaking their intense face-off, his voice steely, and Blaise breaks eye contact to glare at him too. Ash nods like he’s won and the elevator door slides open, his hand curved possessively over my hip.

  I feel a little like I’m walking on stilts and, although I’m not totally happy with the caveman glares Ash is throwing at Blaise right now, I’m grateful he’s holding me because I’m sure I’d be on my ass by now without him.

  Avery smirks at the sheep as we pass. It doesn’t matter that they’re all twenty-plus years older than us, they all stare at her like she has an executioner’s order with their name on it.

  I fucking love it.

  It’s nice to see those looks directed at someone else and to know that I’m not alone in my infamy. Avery Beaumont has already carved a place for herself in high society as a force to be feared and reckoned with.

  “I’m going to find Atticus. Blaise, you may as well stay here and
dance with your girlfriend because I won’t tolerate your moping.” Avery says, smiling sweetly at me and then sashays towards the bar. They serve her, knowing full well she’s only seventeen, and Blaise trails after her.

  “Do you want a drink, Mounty?” Ash murmurs in my ear, and I shiver at the warmth of his breath dancing down my neck.

  I clear my throat. “Why not, I’ll have a whiskey.”

  Ash jerks his head at Blaise and then he walks me over to one of the sitting areas. The plush lounge feels expensive and I’m instantly uncomfortable perched on it. What if I spill something on it and it’s worth thousands? Rich people are stupid.

  “Stop frowning at everything.” Ash says, as his fingers dance along the slit in my dress. He murmurs happily when he finds my skin and then groans when he realizes I’m only wearing the dress.

  “Are you trying to fucking kill me? The crowd here is a little less oblivious to public sex acts but I’m sure we could find a bathroom somewhere. I’ll even let the brat join in this time.” He snaps right as Blaise walks up with our drinks.

  “How fucking kind of you. Here’s your bourbon, asshole, next time get your own.” He snarls and then drops down on my other side until I’m wedged between them both. I sip the whiskey quietly, trying not to get involved in their drama.

  Everyone around us is wearing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of clothing and I don’t want to think about where the decimal point would land on the jewelry. The women all float around like this is the highlight of their year and the men all eye them predatorily. This party is the same as the ones in the Bay, just better dressed and less open. I’m positive there are drugs being used, crime being organized, and if there isn’t some dirty fucking going on secretly somewhere then I’ll be damned.